Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Running off a generator for four days I managed to watch some old movies I have in my collection. Heres one of my favs.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
During the hurricane some piece of shit stole my cell phone outta my truck so if any of you guys need to get a hold of me just email me your cell numbers to I got my work phone still but no power at my house.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Check it out
So I sent a lid to Wes at custom destruction for some relining. Told Wes to keep it simple and do what ever he wants. Now I sent this helmet to him with no liner. Just a shell. Let me tell ya. It's a mighty fine job. Fits great. The liner is super sick. Couldn't believe how quick he banged it out. And the cost was right on. Hit him up!
Oh and thanks again Wes!

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Oh and thanks again Wes!

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Hurricane Irene
So we got it pretty light over my way. Had my girl, her son, and a couple of my homies in and outa my house. Never lost power. Generator was on stand by in case things got too outa hand. Booze staid flowing. Seemed like we couldn't have enough safety meetings. A shit ton of laughs. Wasn't no where near the hype. Thank God. Heard some horrible stories bout other peoples luck. Hope all is well since it's over. Here is a pic of the storm approaching...

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Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday Mornin Wood.
Got this gnarly lil wake up call this mornin, Fred at Fulton Paint Works has been puttin his trippy twist on my coffin, man, i'd be lying if i said i wasn't like a kid on christmas eve. This shit is gonna be wild. Check out his work, and Stay tuned.

Road Whip Mountain Run

Just got back from a 1,500 mile or so trip. I rode out to Tennessee, then rode the whole Blue Ridge Parkway and part of Skyline Drive into the Shenandoah National Park. Rode the Tail of the Dragon at Deal's Gap, and the Diamondback in Little Switzerland. If you've never done those two roads, you need too. It was some of the most intense riding I've ever done. Would like to have done it on the chop but logistically the bagger was the best choice for the trip. The Bastard Bash was going on so I did get to see some cool old school iron while I was at Deal's Gap. But those curvy mountain roads got me thinking about picking up a used sport bike sometime. The sport bikes were ripping it up on The Dragon and had me thinking about my old crotch rocket days. But I did alright out there for an old fat guy on a bagger. One of my homies had a camera on his bike when we rode The Dragon, so if I get the video I'll post it up. Got some more pics too.
Still waitin on inspection.../ Helmet for sale.
Tryin to get this thing registered and the damn DMV wants every receipt ever made on this thing! Not only did I wait 3 months for the MSO, but I have to wait another 2 weeks for the DMV inspection to register it. Oh, and I have a Biltwell Megaflake Green helmet for sale. I bought it but it is to nice for my head.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
So I work as this "biker bar" for the past 3 years. One of the owners has wanted it to be a real biker bar for a long time.. Well he recently got his wish.. The rest of the owners went into panic mode and this was their solution.. WTF!!! Is it socialism In effect, or just a bunch of fake ass people that don't have the testicular fortitude to deal with the reality that they wished for...

Respectfully submitted by OGB for your reading pleasure...FUCK THE FAKES

Respectfully submitted by OGB for your reading pleasure...FUCK THE FAKES
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Check it out
Sunday, August 14, 2011
La Familia
This weekend was all about family and my extended family. The Crude Crew helped my folk with some projects around their house and then we all celebrated with lots of food, booze and beer. McMuscles broke the record for B-B-Q sandwiches by eating 10. Holy shit was what we said and he was screaming from the crapper the next morning. Haha. We chilled on the porch and finished the night off with a little fire in the back yard. But most of all I want to say thanks to Poppa Steve, Dan, Wes, Johnny, and Justin for coming out. Wish those that had to work could have made it. Maybe next time. FAMILY FIRST!!! and this weekend proved that. THANKS GUYS

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Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sea Salt Photography
So my buds ol'lady can shoot some kick as photos and since they just had a kid she is now a stay home mommy, so she is trying to get her business going. Check her work out at She took this the other night and has a bunch more that I will post up once I get them. Go see Sarah at Sea Salt Photo!!!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Two of these in front of Brock's house and some square ass neighbor calls the cops. At least Norfolk's finest were cool about it.
foot clutch cable refab.
Been out at bobs here the last few days squarin my trans plate away and borrowin his machine skills to square my mainshaft bearing support away in proper space . . . take her out for a test spin and the clutch cable snaps . . . think i've got her squared away now where i won't have that problem again, all i gotta do is clamp the cable onto itself tomoro. Thanks again bob.

Monday, August 8, 2011
August 13th Shin-Dig!!!!

The date is set the food and beer is taken care of. I even have a chase truck and driver lined up. So lets meet at the House of Eggs on Military Hwy by the airport for some breakfast at 8:15 and then we will get on the road. We will be sleeping in my folks shop with A/C so no tents needed. Thanks again I'm stoked that you all are going. All that want to ride are welcome to come along. We are gonna be rolling up 58 to 460 all the way to my folks. So if you want to jump in along the way that's the route.

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Road Trip
Redneck Rumble, lebonon tenn, sept.17
as of now the plan is to blast ass outa here friday the 16th, around 9am, meetin up with josh in columbia, south carolina that afternoon, after a bottle or two and a bong blast or three, make our way on into tenn. may wind up pitt stopping with in johnson city for the night, and makin our way on in to lebonon early saturday morning, or just burn ass straight there, who cares.
If you've never been, it's a rat rod fest that'll make you question your last tetinus shot, should make for an interesting trip, anybody that wants to join us is more than welcome to, gonna be a short weekend, fast, and lots of miles. hit me up.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Ninja is Dead
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
It's been slow
Progress but after some serious paint work on the cases, jugs, and heads then some powder coated rocker boxes we finally got the motor sorta together. With the help of a case of coores original, a case of tecate, a few safety meetings Brock, and buzzard the 73 is finally making some progress. Brock did some pointing and grunting and some how I managed to understand what he was tryin to say and we got the bike completely replumbed. It was slow and steady you can understand why if ya read the second line. Now hopefully my rear fender shows up tomorrow from the powder coater. Yea I powder coated my rear fender. My boy Jim hooks it up and is tryin to match the tank I have. Plus it was cheaper then payin a painter to do it. Once that arrives rewiring begins. Then bolt down the motor, apply pipes, safety meeting, and hopefully fire! Probly skipped some things but those are minor. Doin our best to have this jewel ready for next weeks schananagans. Owell. I'm blabbering. So on a better note safety first.

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bad vibrations.
makes this the last time i ever take advice from a swede. with the help from a good friend, i'm puttin a motor plate between the motor and trans, replacing busted trans plate, and puttin a 47 tooth rear on, hope to be back in society's way sometime next week.

the fix: new tranny plate, and added in a torque plate to the mix, should stabilize and put me back in business. Big thanks to bob, mad man on the lathe for knockin out the spacers and the mill work hook up on my mainshaft bearing support.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
For sale
Monday, August 1, 2011
Cool Cops
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- OUCH!!!
- Theft
- Check it out
- Hurricane Irene
- best of luck to all dealin with irene.
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- Sunday Mornin Wood.
- Road Whip Mountain Run
- Still waitin on inspection.../ Helmet for sale.
- Check it out
- La Familia
- More photos from Sea Salt!!!!!!!
- Sea Salt Photography
- Tomfoolery
- foot clutch cable refab.
- Lunch break boredom
- It's alive!
- August 13th Shin-Dig!!!!
- Road Trip
- pink knuckle.
- Kickrocksmotorco
- The Ninja is Dead
- IRONY?????
- It's been slow
- bad vibrations.
- For sale
- Cool Cops
- lunch time.