Monday, February 7, 2011

Yo Peanut City Geeks

I was able to put a link to your site. Check it out it is a stand alone link below the other blogs. but it works. Fuck a computer it can't beat me....


Danny D. said...

hell yeah man, much appreciated.

JWhite said...

Thanks man! What are you entering in over on the links on the side section? It should just be

Geno keeps having problems too. When I've clicked on yall's before it wants to go to my old site. If you don't mind, try deleting that old one altogether and adding that new one from scratch. Hopefully that'll work!

wllgmr said...

we are needy, high maintenance.

McMuscles said...

Dude I have tried to change that link several times with no luck. In the blogger setup you enter in WWW.PEANUTCITYGEEKS.COM but when you save it somehow it changes to I gave up. I fuckin hate computers and these here internets

Anonymous said...

that link works fine from my computer . . . maybe all u homos need a mac.

Danny D. said...

works for me, no mac jack.

McMuscles said...

My downsyndrome must be flarin up

WHITEY said...

ARGHHHH I Dont Know nuffin.

WHITEY said...

ARGHHHH I Dont Know nuffin.


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