Wednesday, February 23, 2011


me and ol catfish decided to blast over to raleigh 2weeks ago for the rebel son and david allan coe show. well while refueling on the nectar of gods and some chicken wings at the local hooters we witness this rare and elusive creature the mother of all critters. we actual thought that the bad ass honda rider trained a bear to ride with him. yes he and this thing were on a bike together.


McMuscles said...

That jacket looks like its made of your mamas pubic hair!

CATFISH said...

It was truly amazing observing the beast in it's natural habitat.

Hey McMuscles....haha, The Player Haters Ball.....Silky Johnson.

McMuscles said...

hahah "I gotta get home and put some water in buck nasty's mommas dish"

McMuscles said...

I cant get over that broads coat. 100 % border collie.


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