So me Brock and
Swedeland loaded up the MAD
KAW and headed south to E-City to the
Gigantor compound today. Aaron started wiring my bike why i stood over his shoulder with a
dumbass look on my face. His amazing better half brought out a serving tray of
coffee fresh fruits and muffins. Not even an hour later she brings out OJ and home made
biscuits. Super cool. I think with that kinda greasy boy chopper treatment
im gonna find a reason to go there all the time. Anyways after about 3 hours of
Aaron watching me stare at his sickle he offers a cure to whats been
ailing me. He fired up the RAT and handed me his lid. This thing is a fucking blast to ride. Thanks again Homeboy


This thing needs a ride height stick like they have at amusement parks that says 6foot1 or taller. To get an idea about how stretched it is ill just say this....10 feet of chain..